Beginner Tips for Parents Introducing Kids to Scratch Jr

Last updated: 14/02/2024
Beginner Tips for Parents Introducing Kids to Scratch Jr

As a parent, introducing your little ones to coding can seem daunting, but fear not! With Scratch Jr, teaching kids aged 4-8 the basics of coding is easier than ever. As a beginner-friendly platform, Scratch Jr is designed specifically for young minds to learn and grow. Here are some helpful tips to get you started:

What You Need To Get Started

Before diving in, make sure you have a device with internet connection and the Scratch Jr app installed. This will give your child access to an array of pre-made coding blocks, tutorials, and project ideas.

Starting Small Is Key

Begin with simple projects like making a virtual cat dance or creating a spinning wheel. This will help build confidence and get your child excited about coding. As they progress, they'll be able to tackle more complex projects, such as animations and games.

Be Patient And Encouraging

Remember that learning coding takes time and practice. Be patient with your child's progress, and encourage them to try again when they encounter obstacles. Celebrate their small wins along the way to keep motivation high!

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