Best Practices for Teaching Coding to Non-Tech-Savvy Parents

Last updated: 13/10/2023
Best Practices for Teaching Coding to Non-Tech-Savvy Parents

Empathy and Patience are Key

Teaching coding to non-tech-savvy parents can be a daunting task. It's essential to approach the learning process with empathy and patience. Imagine being dropped into an unfamiliar world where everyone is speaking a new language – it can be overwhelming! Start by acknowledging that they might not understand technical terms or concepts, and reassure them that you're there to guide them every step of the way.

Break it Down, One Step at a Time

When introducing coding concepts to parents, break it down into manageable chunks. Use relatable examples, such as teaching simple programming languages like Scratch Jr., which is designed specifically for young children. Start with the basics and build upon each new concept. This approach will help parents feel more confident and less intimidated by the material.

Make it Fun and Interactive

Learning should be an enjoyable experience! Incorporate fun and interactive activities, such as puzzles, games, or projects that showcase their newfound skills. This will not only make learning more engaging but also encourage parents to continue exploring coding concepts. You can even use Scratch Jr. projects that involve storytelling, animations, or games to make it a delightful experience.


Teaching coding to non-tech-savvy parents requires a unique approach that prioritizes empathy, patience, and fun. By breaking down complex concepts into manageable steps and incorporating engaging activities, you'll set them up for success. Remember to be patient with yourself as well – learning is a lifelong process!

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