Best Resources for Teaching Kids to Code

Last updated: 23/3/2024
Best Resources for Teaching Kids to Code

When it comes to teaching kids to code, it's essential to have access to the best resources that make learning fun and engaging. Here are some top-notch tools and platforms to get your little ones started: is a pioneering platform in coding education for kids. With interactive tutorials, puzzles, and games, offers a comprehensive introduction to programming concepts like variables, loops, and conditionals. Their curriculum aligns with national standards and is free for K-12 students.


Developed by MIT Media Lab, Scratch is a popular online platform that enables kids aged 4-8 to create their own animations, games, and stories using block-based coding language. Scratch promotes creativity, problem-solving skills, and collaboration among young learners.

Khan Academy Kids

Khan Academy's kid-friendly coding section offers a range of interactive exercises, quizzes, and games designed for children aged 5-12. These bite-sized lessons cover topics like sequences, loops, and algorithms, with the goal of developing critical thinking and programming skills.


CodeMonkey is an engaging online platform that lets kids learn to code through building real-world projects. With a focus on creative expression, students create games, animations, or simulations by solving coding puzzles and challenges. Suitable for ages 8-16.

In conclusion, introducing children to coding requires a well-rounded approach that combines fun, interactivity, and learning. By leveraging these top resources, you'll be giving your kids the best possible foundation for a bright future in programming!

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