Fun and Engaging Scratch Jr Project Ideas for Families

Last updated: 3/2/2024
Fun and Engaging Scratch Jr Project Ideas for Families

Exciting Scratch Jr Projects for Families to Enjoy Together!

Are you looking for fun and engaging Scratch Jr project ideas that the whole family can enjoy? Look no further! In this blog, we'll share some fantastic projects that will inspire your creativity and imagination. Whether you're a coding newbie or a seasoned pro, these ideas are sure to bring laughter and excitement to your family's coding journey.

Create Your Own Virtual Pet

One of the most fun Scratch Jr project ideas is creating your own virtual pet! Using Scratch Jr, you can create a virtual pet that you can care for, feed, and play with. This project teaches kids about cause-and-effect relationships, as they learn how to make their pet perform different actions by programming it. With this project, you'll also learn about responsibility and empathy as you care for your virtual companion.

Tell Your Own Story

Do your kids love stories? So do we! Scratch Jr offers an amazing way to create your own interactive story. Use the drag-and-drop blocks to program a character that moves through different scenes, interacting with other characters along the way. This project helps develop sequencing and problem-solving skills as you create a unique narrative.

Music Maker

Who says coding can't be musical? With Scratch Jr, you can create your own music using different sounds, loops, and beats! Program a character to tap its foot, play instruments, or even dance along with the music. This project introduces kids to programming concepts like loops and patterns, all while having fun creating their own tunes.


These Scratch Jr project ideas are perfect for families who want to spend quality time coding together. By exploring these projects, you'll not only develop essential programming skills but also foster creativity, teamwork, and critical thinking. So grab your devices, gather around the screen, and get ready to have some coding fun with your family!

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