Fun Coding Projects for Kids on Rainy Days

Last updated: 22/11/2023
Fun Coding Projects for Kids on Rainy Days

Rain or Shine: Fun Coding Projects for Kids on Rainy Days!

There's nothing like a rainy day to keep the kids indoors and engaged in fun activities! When the weather outside is gloomy, why not turn that energy into creating something awesome with coding? As parents, it's essential to encourage our little ones to develop their problem-solving skills and creativity, even on lazy rainy days. Here are some fantastic coding projects for kids on rainy days that you can try at home:

Create Your Own Virtual Pet!

Who doesn't love playing with cute and cuddly virtual pets?! With Scratch Jr., kids can learn how to create a pet that's completely unique! They'll get to choose its color, shape, and even make it perform silly actions. It's the perfect way to teach them about coding concepts like variables, conditionals, and loops while having tons of fun!

Code a Maze Game

Rainy days are the perfect excuse to stay indoors and play with mazes! With Scratch Jr., kids can create their own maze game where they'll learn how to program obstacles, create paths, and even add score-keeping features. Who knew coding could be so much fun?!

Build a Weather App!

On rainy days, it's only natural for kids to want to know what the weather will be like tomorrow! With Scratch Jr., they can create their own simple weather app that shows temperature, wind speed, and even provides forecast updates. They'll learn about conditional statements, loops, and variables while doing so!


On rainy days, coding doesn't have to be a chore! By incorporating these fun projects into your kid's daily routine, you'll be surprised at how quickly they develop their skills and confidence. Who knows, maybe one of them will become the next coding whiz? With Scratch Jr., it's all about making learning fun and accessible – so grab those controllers and get coding on that rainy day!

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