With Scratch Jr, your child can learn the fundamentals of coding in a fun and interactive way. To take it to the next level, here are some engaging and easy-to-do Scratch Jr coding challenges at home.
Help your child create a simple maze game using Scratch Jr. Start by setting up the stage with a blue background, then add a sprite (character) that moves around using the arrow keys. Next, create multiple "blocker" sprites to create obstacles within the maze. Your child can experiment with adding sounds and visual effects to make it more exciting!
Develop your child's coding skills by creating a color-mixing game in Scratch Jr. Set up a palette of different colors, then add a "paint" brush that lets users mix and match colors to create new shades. This activity helps kids understand programming concepts like conditionals and variables.
Get creative with coding by building an animal matching game! Create a set of animal cards with fun sounds and images. Use Scratch Jr's drag-and-drop blocks to program the animals' movements, such as moving them left or right when the user clicks on the card. Your child can add more complexity by adding scoring rules or making it a timed game.