Fun Scratch Jr Coding Games to Play as a Family

Last updated: 28/01/2024
Fun Scratch Jr Coding Games to Play as a Family

A World of Imagination: Fun Scratch Jr Coding Games for Families

Are you and your family looking for a fun and engaging way to learn coding together? Look no further! Scratch Jr is an amazing tool that allows kids to explore the world of coding through interactive games. In this blog, we'll share some of the most enjoyable and educational games to play with your loved ones.

1 - Maze Runner: Create Your Own Path

In Maze Runner, you get to be the game designer! Use blocks to create a maze, then challenge your family members to navigate through it using the arrow keys. This game is perfect for teaching kids about loops and conditionals. You can make it even more challenging by adding obstacles or power-ups!

2 - Pong-like Game: Ping-Pong Fun

Bring the classic arcade game, Pong, into the digital world with Scratch Jr's ping-pong game! Kids will love creating their own racket-using sprites to bounce a virtual ball. This game teaches kids about variables, loops, and conditional statements. Who knew learning could be so much fun?

3 - Snake Game: A Classic!

Get your family wrapped up in the classic snake game with Scratch Jr! In this interactive game, you'll teach kids about lists and conditional statements as they try to navigate a growing snake through a grid filled with food and obstacles. It's an addictive game that will have you all coming back for more!


With these fun Scratch Jr coding games, you and your family can spend quality time together learning the basics of programming while having a blast! These interactive activities will spark imagination, creativity, and critical thinking skills. So why not grab some snacks, gather around the screen, and start exploring the world of coding today?

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