Fun Scratch Jr Project Ideas to Try at School

Last updated: 1/1/2024
Fun Scratch Jr Project Ideas to Try at School

Learning Through Creativity: Fun Scratch Jr Project Ideas to Try at School

Are you excited about learning coding with Scratch Jr? As a teacher or parent, it's wonderful that you're looking for ways to incorporate fun and engaging projects into your lessons. Here are some creative and educational project ideas that will inspire your young learners!

Create Your Own Interactive Storybook

Using Scratch Jr, students can create their own interactive storybooks that tell a tale of adventure, friendship, or exploration! Students can design characters, scenes, and animations to bring the story to life. This project helps develop coding skills while fostering creativity, problem-solving, and storytelling abilities.

Make Music with Code

Introduce your young learners to the world of music composition by creating beats and melodies using Scratch Jr's sound blocks! Students can experiment with different instruments, loops, and rhythms to create their own unique tunes. This activity promotes mathematical concepts like patterns and sequences while encouraging creative expression.

Design Your Own Virtual Pet

What kid doesn't love having a virtual pet? Using Scratch Jr, students can design and program their own lovable critters that respond to interactions, move around, or even learn from experience! This project teaches programming skills while fostering empathy, creativity, and critical thinking.


These fun and engaging Scratch Jr projects are perfect for incorporating coding concepts into your school lessons. By using Scratch Jr, you'll be helping young learners develop essential skills in STEM fields like computer science, mathematics, and engineering, all while encouraging creative expression and self-directed learning. So, what are you waiting for? Get creative and start programming today!

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