Fun Ways to Celebrate National Coding Week with Kids

Last updated: 6/10/2023
Fun Ways to Celebrate National Coding Week with Kids

Introducing Your Little Coders to the World of Coding

National Coding Week is a time to celebrate the wonders of coding and its impact on our daily lives. As a parent or educator, you have the power to inspire your kids to explore this exciting field. With these fun ways to celebrate National Coding Week with kids, you'll be encouraging their curiosity, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

DIY Coding Kits for Kids

Give your kids a hands-on experience with coding by creating DIY coding kits using Scratch Jr. These interactive kits allow children to learn programming concepts while building fun projects, such as animations, games, or stories. You can create custom kits that align with your child's interests, making it an engaging and rewarding experience.

Hosting a Coding Party

Host a coding party with friends and family to spread the excitement of coding. Invite kids to participate in Scratch Jr. coding activities, like building a virtual city or creating a simple game. This social setting allows kids to share their creations, learn from others, and build teamwork skills. You can also have snacks and drinks on hand to keep the party going!

Online Resources for Kids

There are numerous online resources available for kids to learn and explore coding. Scratch Jr.,, and CodeCombat are just a few examples of engaging platforms that offer coding lessons, games, and projects. Take advantage of these free resources to supplement your child's learning journey and provide them with a wealth of opportunities.


National Coding Week is the perfect time to introduce your kids to the world of coding. With these fun and interactive ways to celebrate, you'll be sparking their interest in STEM education while fostering creativity, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking. So, gather your little coders and get ready for an exciting adventure!

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