How to Create Your First Scratch Jr Animation

Last updated: 21/3/2024
How to Create Your First Scratch Jr Animation

Creating your first Scratch Jr animation is an exciting step in learning how to code! Scratch Jr is a fantastic tool that makes programming fun and accessible for kids aged 4-8. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of creating your very first Scratch Jr animation.

Getting Started with Scratch Jr

To get started, open up Scratch Jr on your tablet or computer. If you're new to Scratch Jr, you might need to sign in or create an account. Once you're logged in, you'll see a colorful interface that looks like a piece of paper. This is where the magic happens!

Creating Your Animation

To start creating your animation, tap on the "Scene" button at the bottom of the screen. This will open up a new canvas where you can build your world. You can add different objects like sprites, backgrounds, and sounds to make your animation come alive. For your first project, let's keep it simple by adding a single sprite.

Adding Movement

To give your sprite some movement, drag it onto the stage and then tap on the "Scripts" button. This will open up the script editor where you can program what happens when. Tap on the "+" button to add a new event block. In this case, let's use the "Move" block to make your sprite move around the stage.

Adding Interactivity

Now that your sprite is moving, let's make it interactive! Add some more blocks to your script to control its movement. You can change direction, speed up or slow down, and even add a pause. The possibilities are endless!

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