How to Organize a Scratch Jr Coding Club at School

Last updated: 12/01/2024
How to Organize a Scratch Jr Coding Club at School

If you're a teacher or school administrator looking to introduce coding skills to your students, setting up a Scratch Jr coding club is an excellent way to do so! In this blog post, we'll guide you through the steps to organize a successful Scratch Jr coding club at your school.

Why Set Up a Scratch Jr Coding Club?

Scratch Jr is a fantastic platform for introducing young children (aged 4-8) to coding concepts. The program uses block-based programming, making it easy for students to grasp fundamental coding principles without getting overwhelmed. A Scratch Jr coding club provides an ideal environment for kids to learn by doing, collaborating with peers, and developing problem-solving skills.

How to Set Up the Club

To get started, follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Identify a Club Sponsor or Facilitator

Designate a teacher, educator, or school staff member as the club sponsor. This person will oversee the club's activities, provide guidance, and help students troubleshoot issues.

Step 2: Assemble Your Club Committee

Gather a small group of interested teachers, parents, or educators to form your club committee. Their roles can include:

  • Scheduling meetings and coordinating activities
  • Providing additional support and resources when needed
  • Organizing workshops or guest speaker sessions

Step 3: Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Develop a shared understanding of what you want to achieve through the coding club. This might include:

  • Teaching students the basics of coding using Scratch Jr
  • Fostering teamwork, collaboration, and communication skills
  • Encouraging creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking

Step 4: Plan Meetings and Activities

Schedule regular meetings (e.g., weekly or biweekly) to keep the club momentum going. You can:

  • Offer workshops or tutorials on specific Scratch Jr concepts
  • Invite guest speakers or hosts for special sessions
  • Encourage students to work on their own projects, share their creations, and get feedback


With these steps in place, you'll be well on your way to establishing a thriving Scratch Jr coding club at your school. Remember to stay flexible, be open to ideas, and provide ongoing support to help your students grow and learn. By following this guide, you'll empower young minds to develop essential coding skills, foster creativity, and build a lifelong passion for technology!

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