How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Architecture

Last updated: 27/10/2023
How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Architecture

How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Architecture

Architecture is all around us - from the buildings we play in and live in to the bridges we cross and parks we play in. But have you ever thought about how architecture can be connected to coding? At Workbook Scratch Jr., we believe that kids as young as 4-8 can start learning about these connections, and even creating their own simple programming using a visual language like Scratch. In this blog post, we'll explore some fun and interactive ways to use coding to teach kids about architecture.

Introduction to Architecture Coding

When we think of architecture, we might imagine grand structures or famous buildings designed by world-renowned architects. But what if you want to introduce kids to the concept that they can actually create their own simple designs using coding? Using Scratch, kids can start building digital versions of these architectural masterpieces! By programming block-like commands, kids learn about logic and problem-solving while creating 2D or even 3D structures.

Coding Basics for Architecture

When it comes to teaching architecture through coding, the first step is to understand some basic programming concepts. In Scratch, this might involve introducing variables (like color choices) and conditionals (if/then statements). Kids can start experimenting with these ideas by building simple architectural designs using shapes and blocks. For instance, you could create a program that makes a block "fall" when clicked or change its shape depending on certain conditions.

Leveling Up: More Complex Designs

As kids become more comfortable with coding basics, it's time to challenge them to think bigger - literally! By using more complex programming constructs like loops and conditionals, kids can create intricate designs that involve movement or interaction. Imagine building a program where blocks "move" around on screen, changing color as they go!


In conclusion, teaching kids about architecture through coding is not only fun but also helps them develop essential skills in logic, problem-solving, and creativity. By using Scratch or other visual programming tools, kids can start designing their own architectural wonders - all while learning the basics of programming! With practice and patience, your child can go from creating simple designs to building entire cities with code!

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