How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Geometry

Last updated: 30/11/2023
How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Geometry

How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Geometry

When it comes to teaching kids about geometry, most people think of traditional methods like drawing shapes and talking about angles. However, there's a new way to learn and understand these concepts – through coding! Yes, you read that right! By using programming languages, we can create engaging and interactive experiences for children to learn and explore geometry.

Building Shapes with Code

One of the most effective ways to teach kids about geometry is by building shapes using code. With Scratch Jr., for instance, kids can use blocks to build squares, triangles, circles, and other geometric shapes. They can experiment with different colors, sizes, and movements to create unique designs and patterns. This hands-on approach helps children develop their understanding of geometric concepts like symmetry, tessellations, and proportions.

Measuring Angles and Shapes

Another fantastic way to explore geometry through coding is by measuring angles and shapes. With tools like's App Lab, kids can create interactive simulations that let them manipulate shapes and measure their angles using mathematical formulas. This activity encourages children to think critically about the relationships between shapes and angles, developing their spatial awareness and problem-solving skills.

Creating Real-World Applications

What makes geometry more engaging for kids is when we connect it to real-world applications. Using coding, students can create games, puzzles, or art that incorporate geometric concepts. For example, they might design a maze using squares and rectangles or build a 3D model of their favorite animal using circles and spheres. By creating meaningful connections between geometry and everyday life, children become more curious and motivated to learn.

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