How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Public Speaking How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Public Speaking

Last updated: 18/9/2023
How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Public Speaking
How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Public Speaking

How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Public Speaking

Are you looking for ways to teach kids about public speaking while also developing their coding skills? Believe it or not, coding and public speaking have more in common than you might think. Both require creativity, problem-solving, and effective communication. In this blog post, we'll explore how you can use coding to teach kids about public speaking.

Building Confidence

One of the most important aspects of public speaking is building confidence. Coding can help kids develop confidence by allowing them to take risks and try new things. When kids are working on a coding project, they're more likely to make mistakes than adults, but that's okay! It's all part of the learning process. By embracing mistakes and encouraging kids to learn from them, we can help build their confidence in both coding and public speaking.


Storytelling is a key element of public speaking, and it just so happens that coding stories are some of the best ways to get kids excited about programming. When kids are working on a coding project, they're essentially writing their own story. They choose the characters, setting, and plot, all while learning to think critically and solve problems. By emphasizing storytelling in both coding and public speaking, we can help kids develop a love for sharing their ideas with others.


Improvisation is another important skill for public speakers, and it's one that coding can also help with. When kids are coding, they're often asked to think on their feet and come up with creative solutions to unexpected problems. This kind of thinking is exactly what's needed in improvisational speaking. By practicing problem-solving skills through coding, we can help kids become more comfortable thinking creatively and adapting to unexpected situations.

In conclusion, using coding to teach kids about public speaking might seem unconventional at first, but it actually makes a lot of sense. Both activities require creativity, problem-solving, and effective communication. By emphasizing building confidence, storytelling, and improvisation, we can help kids develop the skills they need to become confident and effective public speakers.

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