How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Symmetry

Last updated: 19/9/2023
How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Symmetry

When it comes to teaching kids about symmetry, coding can be a fun and engaging way to introduce this concept! In Scratch Jr, we can use the built-in tools to create programs that showcase symmetrical patterns.

What is Symmetry?

Symmetry is an important concept in art, design, and even science. It refers to when one side of something looks exactly like the other side. For kids, understanding symmetry can help them develop their spatial reasoning skills, which are essential for problem-solving and creativity. With coding, we can make learning about symmetry a fun and interactive experience.

Using Scratch Jr to Teach Symmetry

To start teaching kids about symmetry using Scratch Jr, we can create a simple program that displays a symmetrical shape. We can use the draw block to draw a shape on the screen, and then duplicate it by copying the code. This allows us to create a mirrored version of the original shape, demonstrating the concept of symmetry. For example, we could draw a triangle, and then copy the code to draw another identical triangle on the other side.

Practicing Symmetry in Coding

As kids get more comfortable with the idea of symmetry, we can start having them create their own programs that incorporate this concept. They can use Scratch Jr's draw block to create a symmetrical design, and then experiment with different shapes and patterns to see what looks best. This activity helps develop problem-solving skills and encourages creativity.


Teaching kids about symmetry using coding can be an enjoyable and educational experience! By incorporating this concept into our programs, we can help develop spatial reasoning skills, encourage creativity, and provide a solid foundation for future math and science concepts. With Scratch Jr's intuitive interface and engaging tools, we can bring the world of symmetry to life and make learning fun!

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