How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Time Zones

Last updated: 14/10/2023
How to Use Coding to Teach Kids About Time Zones

Exploring Time Zones with Scratch Jr: A Fun Way to Learn

As kids start to learn about the world beyond their immediate surroundings, they'll encounter concepts like time zones. With coding, we can make this learning experience more engaging and interactive. In this blog, we'll explore how to use coding to teach kids about time zones using Scratch Jr.

Understanding Time Zones

When you're planning a global adventure with your little coders, it's essential to grasp the basics of time zones. A time zone is a region on Earth where people follow a standard clock time. With 24 time zones in total, this concept can seem overwhelming for young minds. But don't worry! Coding comes to the rescue.

Code Your Way to Time Zones

Using Scratch Jr, we'll create a simple game that demonstrates the idea of time zones. Let's imagine our code will take place at the famous Universal Studios theme park in Los Angeles (Pacific Standard Time Zone). Our goal is to make a character "jump" from one time zone to another, while keeping track of the time.

For example, if our character starts in the Pacific Time Zone and jumps to the Eastern Time Zone (5 hours ahead), it'll be 3:45 PM (after adjusting for the time difference). This interactive experience will help kids visualize how time zones work and how they can be applied to real-life situations.


Teaching kids about time zones can be an exciting journey, especially when using coding as a tool. With Scratch Jr's creative capabilities, we've brought this abstract concept to life. By exploring different time zones through code, young coders will develop their problem-solving skills and gain a better understanding of how time affects our daily lives.

So go ahead, start creating your own time zone adventure with Scratch Jr, and watch your little coders soar!

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