How to Use Scratch Jr for Interactive Math Lessons

Last updated: 18/9/2023
How to Use Scratch Jr for Interactive Math Lessons


Math can be an exciting and interactive experience for kids when approached in the right way! Scratch Jr is a fantastic tool that allows children to create their own math-based games and projects. In this blog post, we'll explore how to use Scratch Jr for interactive math lessons.

Creating Math Games with Scratch Jr

2D Geometry Fun

When you open Scratch Jr, you'll be greeted by a colorful grid where your students can drag-and-drop blocks to create their own games and animations. For math lessons, start by creating a game that involves basic shapes and geometry. Students can design a game that requires players to identify different shapes (e.g., circles, triangles, squares) or match shapes of different colors.

For example, you could ask students to create a game where the player has to match different colored shapes to their corresponding color blocks. This game encourages spatial reasoning and problem-solving skills while being super fun!

Practicing Mental Math with Scratch Jr

Counting Down to Addition

Another great way to use Scratch Jr for math lessons is by creating games that practice mental math skills. For instance, students can design a game where the player has to add or subtract numbers in their head.

Imagine creating a game where players have to count down from 100, subtracting 5 each time. Students could program Scratch Jr blocks to show the correct answer, and then challenge friends or classmates to do the same. This game is perfect for practicing mental math calculations while having fun!

Using Scratch Jr to Introduce Fraction Concepts

Cutting Shapes into Fractions

Lastly, Scratch Jr can be used to introduce fraction concepts in a visually engaging way! Students can design a game where players have to cut shapes into fractions (e.g., 1/2 or 3/4).

For example, students could create a game where the player has to slice a shape into two equal parts, and then compare their result to the correct answer. This activity encourages spatial reasoning, visual processing, and problem-solving skills while introducing fundamental fraction concepts.


Scratch Jr is an incredibly versatile tool that can be used to teach a wide range of math concepts in an interactive and engaging way! By using Scratch Jr for interactive math lessons, you can help your students develop essential skills in areas like geometry, mental math, and fractions. With its colorful grid and intuitive drag-and-drop interface, Scratch Jr makes learning math fun and accessible – even for our youngest learners!

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