Introducing Kids to Game Development

Last updated: 21/10/2023
Introducing Kids to Game Development

Introducing Kids to Game Development

As kids learn to code, they're often introduced to building games as a way to make learning fun and engaging. But where do you start? In this blog post, we'll explore the basics of game development and how Workbook Scratch Jr can help kids get started.

What is Game Development?

Game development is the process of creating video games using programming languages like Scratch. It involves designing characters, levels, and rules, and then bringing it all to life with code. For kids, game development is an excellent way to learn programming concepts while having fun. Workbook Scratch Jr can help your child create their own 2D games, introducing them to the world of game development.

How Can Kids Learn Game Development?

One of the best ways for kids to learn game development is by using tools like Workbook Scratch Jr. This platform allows kids to build and modify games using blocks, similar to LEGO, which makes it easy to grasp complex programming concepts. With Workbook Scratch Jr, kids can create characters that move around on a stage, make objects interact with each other, and even add special effects like explosions and fireflies.


Getting your child into game development is easier than ever with Workbook Scratch Jr. By introducing them to the world of coding through games, you're helping them develop problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and creativity. With our platform, kids can bring their imagination to life and have fun while learning. So why not give it a try? Get your child started on their game development journey today!

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