Scratch Jr for Literacy Development: Creating Storyboards

Last updated: 23/10/2023
Scratch Jr for Literacy Development: Creating Storyboards


As children begin to learn coding concepts, they are also developing important literacy skills. Scratch Jr is a fantastic tool that combines the two! By creating storyboards in Scratch Jr, kids can exercise their imagination while building essential skills like sequencing and cause-and-effect relationships. In this blog, we'll explore how you can use Scratch Jr for literacy development and encourage your students to think creatively.

Storytelling through Sequencing

One of the most fundamental concepts in storytelling is sequencing – putting events in order to create a coherent narrative. Scratch Jr provides an excellent platform for kids to practice this skill. By dragging blocks onto the stage, they can sequence characters, actions, and events to tell a story. This activity encourages critical thinking and problem-solving as students figure out how to convey their idea effectively. To take it further, you can ask them to write a short paragraph or describe what's happening in each scene, fostering connections between visual storytelling and written narrative.

Cause-and-Effect Relationships

Scratch Jr also helps children develop cause-and-effect relationships – understanding the consequences of specific actions within a story. By adding actions like "when green flag clicks" or "when character hits the wall," kids can create scenarios that demonstrate how events are linked. This concept translates well to real-life literacy development, as students learn to predict outcomes and consider the implications of characters' choices in their own writing.

Building Vocabulary and Descriptive Language

Storyboards in Scratch Jr offer a unique opportunity for kids to develop their vocabulary and descriptive language skills. By labeling blocks with specific words or phrases, students can practice using descriptive adjectives, adverbs, and nouns to paint vivid pictures. This exercise enhances their ability to communicate ideas effectively through writing, which is essential for literacy development.


In conclusion, Scratch Jr offers a fantastic way to promote literacy development in young learners. By creating storyboards that require sequencing, cause-and-effect relationships, and descriptive language, kids can develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving strategies, and creativity while building connections between visual storytelling and written narrative. As educators, it's essential to recognize the power of coding tools like Scratch Jr for fostering interdisciplinary learning and literacy development in our students. So, start exploring today and watch your young learners become master storytellers!

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