Scratch Jr Lessons: Tips for Classroom Success

Last updated: 29/4/2024
Scratch Jr Lessons: Tips for Classroom Success

Scratch Jr Lessons: Tips for Classroom Success

As you start your Scratch Jr journey with your students, it's essential to set yourself up for success in the classroom. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to creating a engaging and effective coding experience for your young learners.

Prepare Your Materials

Before diving into Scratch Jr, make sure you have all the necessary materials ready. This includes having access to devices with tablets or iPads, ensuring that the devices are fully charged, and having enough headphones and earphones for each student (in case they want to create their own audio). Don't forget to print out copies of the Scratch Jr Workbook for students to reference during class.

Encourage Active Learning

To help your students truly learn from Scratch Jr, make sure to encourage active learning. Ask open-ended questions that prompt them to think creatively about coding concepts. For example, "What do you think will happen if we change this block?" or "How can we use blocks to make a character move across the stage?" By actively engaging with the material, students will develop a deeper understanding of coding principles and have more fun in the process.

Practice, Review, and Refine

As with any new skill, practice makes perfect. Make sure to provide your students with ample opportunities to work on Scratch Jr projects, gradually increasing the difficulty level as they become more confident. Additionally, take time to review previous lessons and refine skills. This will help solidify learning and prevent frustration.


By following these simple tips for classroom success, you'll be well-equipped to lead your students through an exciting and educational journey with Scratch Jr. Remember to be flexible, patient, and supportive as they navigate the world of coding. With persistence and creativity, you and your students will be amazed at what can be accomplished!

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