Scratch Jr Project Idea: Build a Simple Chatbot

Last updated: 30/9/2023
Scratch Jr Project Idea: Build a Simple Chatbot

What a great idea! Here's a project idea for building a simple chatbot using Scratch Jr:

Project Title: Chatty Friend

Objective: Create a chatbot that can have a basic conversation with users. The chatbot will respond to simple questions and phrases, making it feel like having a conversation with a friend.

Scratch Jr Features:

  • Use the when green flag clicked block to start the chatbot's conversation.
  • Implement a forever loop to keep the chatbot listening for user input (i.e., mouse clicks).
  • Use the if-then block to respond to specific phrases or questions from users.

Chatbot Features:

  1. Greeting: The chatbot says "Hello! I'm Chatty Friend!" and waits for user input.
  2. Basic Conversation: Responds to simple questions like:
    • "What's your name?" -> "I'm Chatty Friend!"
    • "How are you?" -> "I'm feeling fine, thank you!"
  3. Joke Teller: Shares a funny joke or pun when asked: "Tell me a joke."
  4. Goodbye: Says "Bye for now! See you later!" and ends the conversation.

Tips and Variations:

  • Add more phrases or questions to the chatbot's vocabulary.
  • Create different responses based on user input (e.g., respond differently to "What's your name?" vs. "How are you?").
  • Incorporate simple math problems and have the chatbot calculate the answer.
  • Use images, sounds, or speech bubbles to enhance the conversation experience.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Programming fundamentals: Using Scratch Jr blocks, loops, and conditionals.
  2. Problem-solving skills: Designing a conversational flow and troubleshooting issues.
  3. Critical thinking: Understanding user input and responding accordingly.

Tips for Instructors/Educators:

  • Emphasize the importance of sequencing events in programming (i.e., having the chatbot respond to specific phrases).
  • Encourage students to experiment with different responses and scenarios.
  • Consider using this project as a starting point for more advanced chatbot development, incorporating natural language processing (NLP) or machine learning techniques.

By building this simple chatbot, your students will develop essential programming skills while having fun creating their own conversational AI friend!

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, drop us an email: