Teaching Kids About Loops with Scratch Jr Teaching Kids About Loops with Scratch Jr

Last updated: 20/9/2023
Teaching Kids About Loops with Scratch Jr
Teaching Kids About Loops with Scratch Jr

Teaching Kids About Loops with Scratch Jr

Introducing loops in coding can be an exciting and challenging topic for kids to grasp! With Scratch Jr, we're going to explore the concept of loops in a fun and interactive way. Are you ready to get started?

What are Loops in Coding?

In coding, a loop is a block of code that runs repeatedly until it reaches a specific condition or endpoint. Think of it like a merry-go-round – your code keeps spinning around until something changes! With Scratch Jr, we'll use loops to make our sprites move back and forth on the stage.

Why Are Loops Important?

Loops are super useful in programming because they help us repeat tasks, count things, or create patterns. In real-life scenarios, think about using a loop when you need to water your plants daily, or when you're counting down to a birthday celebration! Scratch Jr's loops can even be used to control the speed and distance of our sprite's movements.

Hands-On Practice!

Now that we've covered the basics, let's get hands-on with some coding activities! In Scratch Jr, you can create a loop by dragging and dropping blocks. Try this:

  1. Create a new project and add a cat sprite.
  2. Make the cat move forward using the "move" block.
  3. Use the "repeat" block to make the cat repeat its movement 5 times.

Run your code and watch as your cat walks forward, repeats its steps, and keeps moving until it reaches the end! Whoa – loops are magic!


In conclusion, teaching kids about loops with Scratch Jr is an excellent way to introduce them to programming concepts. With loops, kids can learn how to repeat actions, control timing, and even create their own patterns! By following these steps, you've taken the first step in empowering your child to code like a pro!

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, drop us an email: workbookscratchjr@gmail.com