The Best Online Resources for Scratch Jr Teachers and Parents

Last updated: 08/02/2024
The Best Online Resources for Scratch Jr Teachers and Parents

As a teacher or parent looking to introduce coding concepts to children aged 4-8 using Scratch Jr, you may be wondering where to start. With the ever-growing importance of STEM education, it's essential to provide young minds with engaging and effective learning resources. This blog aims to showcase some of the best online resources for Scratch Jr teachers and parents to help you get started.

Official Scratch Website

The official Scratch website is an exhaustive resource hub that offers tutorials, videos, and lesson plans for Scratch Jr. The site also features a gallery showcasing projects created by kids worldwide. It's an excellent starting point for beginners, with step-by-step instructions on getting started with Scratch Jr. - Scratch Jr Course, a leading provider of coding education resources, offers a comprehensive course on Scratch Jr specifically designed for young learners. The course includes video lessons, interactive exercises, and quizzes to test understanding. This resource is perfect for teachers looking to integrate coding into their existing lesson plans or parents seeking extra support at home.

Code Club

Code Club is an organization dedicated to providing free coding resources for kids. Their Scratch Jr tutorial series offers a structured learning path, covering essential concepts like programming loops and conditional statements. The website also provides a community platform for kids to share their projects and get feedback from peers.

Scratch Jr Community Forum

The Scratch Jr community forum is an online space where educators and parents can connect, share ideas, and troubleshoot challenges. The forum features discussion threads on various topics related to teaching Scratch Jr, making it an excellent resource for finding support and inspiration from experienced practitioners.


Teaching coding concepts to young children requires creativity, patience, and the right resources. By leveraging these online tools, you'll be well-equipped to create engaging learning experiences that foster a lifelong love of coding in your students or child. Remember to stay updated with new developments in Scratch Jr by visiting the official website and following relevant online communities. Happy coding!

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