Using Scratch Jr to Introduce Conditional Statements

Last updated: 20/9/2023
Using Scratch Jr to Introduce Conditional Statements

When introducing conditional statements to young children using Scratch Jr, it's essential to start with a basic understanding of what they are and why we use them in coding. In simple terms, conditional statements allow us to make decisions based on certain conditions or criteria.

What are Conditional Statements?

In the world of coding, conditional statements help us determine which block of code should run next. They are used when you want your program to react differently depending on a specific condition or set of rules. For example, if a player reaches a certain score in a game, the program might say "Congratulations, you won!" instead of displaying "Game over."

Why do we use Conditional Statements?

Conditional statements help us create more engaging and interactive programs that respond to user input. In Scratch Jr, conditional statements allow young programmers to control the flow of their code, making it more like a real-life story. Imagine creating a game where the character moves differently depending on whether it's moving up or down stairs!

Examples in Scratch Jr

One example of using conditional statements in Scratch Jr is by creating a game where a cat runs across the screen only if the player touches a specific block. This can be achieved by using the "touching" sensing block and a conditional statement like "if touching [block name] then". Another example could be making a character jump up when you touch the screen, but only if it's on the ground.


In conclusion, introducing conditional statements to young children through Scratch Jr can help them understand how programming decisions are made. By using simple language and relatable examples, they can develop a solid foundation in coding and learn to control the flow of their code effectively. With the use of conditional statements, they'll be creating interactive stories and games that respond to user input in no time!

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